Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Gun Control and Idiots

So I watched Micheal Moore's documentary, Bowling for Columbine, a few days ago. It was quite an interesting revelation of how disgustingly afraid American society is and the power of the Media. It did not, however, convince me that I shouldn't have a collection of firearms hidden away in my underground basement/bombshelter/government hold out center. Not only was I not convinced by his arguments (perhaps I've done more research than him over the years?) but after doing a little looking on the net I discovered that the whole "documentary" was pumped full of lies. Sorry Mr. Moore, I don't date liars. Hilariously enough a few of the "facts" provided on his own website even discredited him. Particularly the entire speech by Charlton Heston that he so graciously provides on his website. If it's not obvious how Mr. Moore altered his speech then you might want to check this out.
But anyways, rather than tear Mr. Moore's "documentary" (after all it has already been done) apart I will talk about my stance on Gun Control, this really nifty thing that Democrats think will save the world. Being a southern boy I suppose I'm a bit biased, but I like to back up that bias with facts, unlike many of the left.
Let's take the example of the recent shootings in Colorado. A crazy man walks into a church and kills some people. Another church takes proactive action and one of its members volunteers to have a gun at the service in case of another shooting. The crazy man walks into the armed church and is killed. The armed citizen is praised as a hero. Then you begin seeing all sorts of gun control debates pop up with the anti-gun crowd ignoring the facts and ignorantly claiming that citizens shouldn't be able to get a gun. Now let's think about this for a second. If the woman in the church that stopped the shootings was not armed, there would have been several people at that church killed. Since she killed the man before he had a chance to kill a lot of people there were very few deaths and the lady was praised as a "hero". How ironic. Criminals do not want to give up their guns. Why would they listen to the government, which they so readily disobey on other subjects, when the government tells them to hand over their guns? They won't. Only law-abiding citizens will. That means that law-abiding citizens are the ones who are harmed because ONLY the criminals have firearms.
And another example. September 11th. Now the most infamous day in history, hopefully, for the rest of history. What if a citizen had had a gun on those flights? The terrorists only had knives. The deaths of 2,996 killed in the towers, pentagon, and flights. Don't forget the 4,233 US and UK soldiers. And the number that everyone overlooks; an estimated 80,000 - 88,000 dead Iraqi citizens. The bloodiest disaster since vietnam could have been stopped with the civilians on the airplanes having the right to hold a concealed firearm. For the leftists who are still scared that a perfectly sane, law-abiding human being will suddenly go crazy and go on a killing spree because the person behind them has their music turned up to loud; perhaps we could compromise by allowing armed pilots? No one had a defense. Thanks to that the most infamous day in history is no longer D-Day or Pearl Harbor.
Don't forget to think. The Nazis took away guns from the Jews before they began to systematically kill them. The Soviets didn't allow guns in the hands of their citizens because they were afraid that the citizens would rise against them. I am not a warmonger. Guns are not even a hobby of mine. But, if the government ever comes knocking on my door for my weapons, I'll be pointing a rifle right back in their face saying "Get off my property!"