Monday, January 28, 2008


I've decided to post a blog about who I endorse for president 2008 in easy-to read sound bites so that the general populace will understand.

I will start with the republicans.

The Huckster/Huck&Chuck Inc./Huckleberry or Huckabee as he is commonly known:
I liked some of the things he said. Things like getting rid of the IRS, his immigration policy, and the nice (though somewhat meaningless) sound of more art in schools. Then he said he had a divine right to be president and I decided that my vote would be best spent elsewhere.

Mitt Meister/Mitt Romney: He's the average neo con in my view nothing is really going to change with him except that the Bible Belt will have to deal with the fact that Huckabee didn't win.

McCain: I have a lot of respect for this man. A real war hero and a real leader. I agree on him with many things and he is my 2nd choice for republicans. He likes things like conservative spending, tax cuts, and border security, and so do I. He does have a streak of Neo-con in him though which is why he is my second choice.

Rudy Giuliani/The Rude: He's my least favorite for republicans. He's also probably not going to win. I like that. Nuff said.

Ron Paul: My number one choice overall. He has capitalist solutions (which are the only ones that work in the end) to the Health Care crisis, which is my number one issue. He shows an understanding of the issues above and beyond every other candidate and he plans carefully. He has solutions to America's laughable Social "Security" and he wants a true limited government. Some people call him a racist, which is funny since he is the most anti-racist presidential hopeful by definition of the philosophy he follows: Libertarianism. He's a true fiscal conservative who wants to get rid of America's debt and get out of a war that has gone on too long for all the wrong reasons. Sadly, he probably won't win. Either way he started a movement that will continue on to the next election.

Now its time for the Democrats!

Hillary Clinton: If anything I am anti-Hillary. She is the last person I want to see as my president and it has nothing to do with her gender before you accuse me of being a chauvinist pig. Also make sure you can spell that before calling me one. She has such noble robin hood-esque ideals such as taking big bucks from the big bad corporations and giving the money to innovation (a contradiction with government) of fuel. Not only is she investing the money of the companies into a really dumb alternative fuels, (corn Ethanol) but whenever government socializes business, innovation bombs. I also don't want socialized medicine. That will completely destroy the health of millions of people and outright kill others. I also hate really bad actors. To people who support her wholeheartedly I would encourage them not to be so blind. She's running for president so that she can have power. Helping the people only comes after her agenda.

Barack Obama: On a happier note there is someone who can actually defeat Hillary in this race. Obama. He is my number one choice for democrats and my number two choice overall. People say he's inexperienced, but if he's made it this far in the presidential race then we can at least say he's a fast learner. He's an idealist. He wants to make politics totally transparent and I can't help but jump onboard that train. If he had a conservative economic policy and was for privatization, I think Obama would easily surpass Ron Paul in my book.

John Edwards: I like that he put poverty on the forefront of his campaign. Because of that he's challenging other candidates to place importance on the issue and give their plans. As for his policies I'm kind of unimpressed. He's on the same level as Huckabee to me. The mid-range. I wish him luck in his political career and I'm glad he's still around to mooch votes off Hillary.

So there you have it. My political viewpoint. If you want to you can tell your friends that I endorse Ron Paul and because of that they should too. If they ask who I am just give them a vague answer about my political power. If you tell the whole story then they will think nothing you say is credible ever again. Now how would that make you feel?