Wednesday, April 23, 2008

On Patriotism

So today I think its time for a little bit of philosophy. Specifically about my view on patriotism.
I've been raised in what most would call a very patriotic place. My entire family is conservative, probably even down to my cat. Most of my relatives are Republicans, a few are conservative Democrats, and then there are others that don't know the difference between the two but are conservative because the Bible said so. While this does make the family dinners a bit drab (it would at least be entertaining if there were some gypsy relatives) it does mean that my Dad, at least, has given me a better understanding of political philosophy than any liberal media outlet. But anyways. I also live in the Bible belt where God looks favorably on the faithful USA since his name is on the currency and all. Lift all praise to the United States on high. On top of all that I'm an Eagle Scout. Boy Scouts is one organization in particular that presses patriotism as one of its main tenets.
Maybe its just the rebellious teenager in me but I really could care less about patriotism for a country. I'm especially not patriotic for this country, and I can't think of any others that I could really be patriotic for right now. Some time in the past I could have been a patriot. Far enough in the past when certain ideas were still respected and understood. I could have cared about what America stood for, but I don't care now, because it stands for nothing.
People will say that we have progressed into a better undestanding of society and we have made many good reforms to the way a society is run. Yes there have been many good reforms, but there have also been many bad reforms that people championed at one time as great ideas. Does the nation function any better now? There is still poverty, there are still wars being run by politicians instead of generals, and there is still apathy. Perhaps I should be apathetic too. It's becoming increasingly popular and it is being recognized even less and less. There are people who go through their lives who only care about getting through the next day and don't pause to think, to care, or to admire the beauty that is life. All that America stands for today is apathy, and those few with ardor are drowning in it.
So it is because of this that I ask: Why should I be patriotic for my country? The dog has been in existence for 15,000 years. That is far longer than any other country has ever lasted. Do we in our arrogance assume that America, or any other country will still be here in 15,000 years? That was a point raised to me in Joseph Heller's Catch-22, and a very good point it is. All countries fall eventually, why should we be patriotic to a country more than an idea? As a country progresses new ideas form and old ones become less popular. But if there is an idea that I believe in, it doesn't matter how unpopular the idea is, I should show fervor to the idea over my country. Rather than jump on the "progress" train I should hold to what is true. Even if America is moving away from what it once valued, I will continue to support the idea.

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